Monday, April 7, 2008

Disabling Msn Messanger At Startup

Disable Messenger MSN from running go to the start menu and select RUN. In the window that appears type regedit The Registry editor will now have opened. Navigate to the following Key:


Now create a new key by selecting Edit from the main menu bar. Now select New then Key.

Name this new Key: Messenger

Now select the newly created Messenger Key and create another new Key. Only this time we are going to name it: Client
Next we have to create a DWORD value. So Right Click the new Client Key and select New then DWORD.

Name the DWORD PreventRun
Now we need to give it a Data Value of 1
Now restart Windows XP and you will have successfully Disabled Messenger MSN

Alternate method of disabling windows messanger

If you don't want MSN Messanger to start at startup simply logon to your accout and go to tools --> options to disable it. If you don't have an account, as it won't let you change the options without first logoning on to an account. Click on the Start Button --> run and type in "regedit", then go to,


Delete the key that says,

MSMSGS - REG_SZ - "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background

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